Thursday, August 16, 2007

BDAfrica: The good the bad and the ugly

I have been reading the Business Daily Africa website for some time now as my source for Kenyan business news and I must say that I love the articles that they feature. I they stick to the business facts and for the most part steer clear of the political noise that often clouds the news from others such as its parent company's (nation media) and the East African Standards

One major qualm i have with the site though is the number of typos that i keep running into in their articles. I don't believe i have ever gone through an entire issue without finding a significant number of typos. Some of these typos are Rather innocuous such as a missing letter here or there but some are more serious such as miss quoted figure or differences in figures quoted more than once within a single article.

The mistakes take away significantly from the air of professionalism that is created by the clean layout and clear writing style that is employed by BDAfrica.

I would advise that they impose stricter editorial over-site to ensure that the facts are not only properly researched but properly presented in order to prevent loss of credibility. It they feel that hiring a full time staff member to do proof reading would be too costly then they should at least give readers an easy way of sending in typo notification. I'm sure that a number of readers wouldn't mind assisting in this manner given the value of the articles they put up.

While they are at it they might also consider implementing a discussion feature that would enable viewers to discuss the most popular articles. I see this taking a longer term to implement as it might necessitate them moving from the ijoomla platform to a more feature filled platform.

Overall though I think that is at the front of the pack as far as Kenyan business news is concerned and would recommend it to anyone wishing to stay on top of Kenyan business news.


Kenyanomics said...

Another drawback: the paper concentrates too much on positive stories, i.e., economic gains being experienced. There is less criticism on Kenya's trade barriers, lax regulatory laws and inadequate infrastructure.

Overall: BD Africa is a savior to those who get sick of political news in The Standard and The Nation.

MainaT said...

I believe its a first for Africa i.e. a paper that just concetrates on business. I like their coverage of new stories whic tends to cover all the sectors of the economy and seems to consider the whole country.
No real -ves so far, although i'd like to see them do a weekly in-depth profile of variuos companies. I'll critique after that they've been going for 12/18 months.