Tuesday, March 14, 2006

More than you can ask or imagine

I just want to say the, for real, when God says that he will give you more than yo can ask or imagine, he really means it. Man, don't underestimate Him for real. especially when you feel that he has a plan for you but you dont know how its gonna come together, it will come together, so just trust and be easy coz for real He is unstoppable!

Well I've spent almost half of spring break in school now, and you know what, I've had soooo much fun its crazy!! went to see 16 blocks on saturday (fantastic movie! you absolutely do not want to miss this one!! for real) then went to eat out on sunday before chilling with friends lsting to music in the evening. Had to work till four on monday (gotta make that money) butit was that bad, plus me and some hottt friends went to san marcos and did some shopping then came back and wathed Dave chappels block party which was pretty good (the music was absolutely fantastic) just that they curse ever 5 nano seconds!

Turns out ill be spending summer in New York! :-) (was in 'the city' begining of last week by the way for an interview, ill reserve judgment on the city till i've been there longer.) that should be lots of fun, can't wait!

Going swimming today!! Will be training fro about an hour then just wallowing in the water with my hottt friends for another hour (in case your wondering, im using 'hottt' as the African alternative to 'awesome' coz i dislike that word and it has totally lost meaning in this country.)

Again i conclude by saying God is awesome/hottt (had to use it there coz he really his )


Thursday, March 09, 2006

>Play: Oscar for Africa by Africa!!


Finally, the African film industry is starting to gain recognition on the world stage. With Tsotsi winning the oscar for best foreign film! One small step for Tsotsi, one giant leap for the African film industry! I hope to able to see it soon, then maybe i can blog more comprehensively about this. If you get a chance to see it, don't hesitate to let me know what you thought of it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

> Play: Whispering willows

Here is a poem i wrote about Wangari mathai for our legends banquet on the 25th of Feb 2006. Who would have though i would ever write a poem about Wangari Mathai!?
Up Africa! Up!

"Seeing Kenya through the eyes of Kenyans will forever change the way you see the world." - Wangari Mathai

Whispering Willows

I sit staring out of the window
Looking past the willows,
Swaying in the mild and mellow wind
Swaying like whispering palm trees
Whispering soft calls for salvation
Whispering soft sighs, longing for self preservation
“I know he’s coming!
Can you hear them? NO?!
What so you mean?
What’s wrong with you?!
I know he’s coming
Coming to cut me down
To hack through my skin
To watch me bleed and not care
Coz its alright as long as no one stands and calls this unfair
But wait! You can do it! You can be the one!
You can defend me
You can make him go away!”

I’m taken aback
Unsure of how to respond
For one thing, trees aren’t supposed to talk!
So why do I keep hearing voices form the whispering palms?
And anyway, why me? Why do I have to do the defending?
I need defending!

I feel a churning in my stomach
Feels like that ‘fear of the unknown’ kind of feeling
That all too well known kind of feeling
That ‘afraid to get up on stage’ kind of feeling
Like that ‘how can I pick you up when I’m kneeling’ kinda feeling

I want to back out, back up
Sit back, rewind, get out of the way,
Do anything but sit down, and stick this through,
Do anything but stay

I want to wait, at least until tomorrow
Coz this isn’t easy!!
Its never easy, the walk to action is never easy.

I reminisce, thinking on times gone by
Its was so easy, back in the day
Yeah, it’s always easier back in the day
Os is it? Its must be right?
Otherwise why would people sing song like…
“Bring back those simple days of, yesterday…”
But is it really? I think not!
Coz when my eyes emerge from behind the vial
And the smoke screen of illusion and fantasy is pushed aside
I see that yesterday is just as hard as today is just as hard as tomorrow,
Is just as beautiful as yesterday, today and tomorrow,
But the fact is, all we have is today
Not tomorrow,
Not yesterday,
Just today
I know it’s not easy
But as Nelson Mandela said
“There is no easy walk to freedom”

Yeah, that’s easy for him to say!
Sure he was in prison for longer than I’ve been alive,
But now he’s an ex-president and people speak his name in hushed toned, with a reverence usually reserved for saints!
I on the other hand, I am just,… just… me!
Who’s going to listen to me?
Pleading, asking them to let the trees be
Who’s going to listen to me?

Scenes flash before my eyes
I can’t tell for sure but I have a feeling it’s the whispering palms again
They are speaking to me again!
This time not with words but with pictures
Pictures strung together with invisible seams
Pictures strung together to form scenes
Scenes too harsh and terrible to put back into words
Words lack the weight to express the hurt
Hurt so deep it threatens to drown me and leaving me aimlessly drifting into oblivion

I think I final understand
Because now as I see the man approaching,
Wielding his axe high in the air, like a soldier ready for battle
I shudder at the thought of what I know I am about to whiteness

The axe begins its ominous decent
3 NO! Don’t do it!!!

2 STOP!! You don’t understand!!!

1 STOP!!!!

I cringe as I see the axe sink six inches into the willow
And I hear the familiar crack of breaking bark and splitting skin
But alas!
The tree doesn’t bleed!
Instead, a steady stream of red comes coursing out of the mans side,
The blood is dark, as if tainted with sadness
I finally understand

So I turn back to the willows
Swaying in the mild and mellow wind as the north wind bellows
Swaying like whispering palms that speak in my dreams
Whispering soft calls for salvation
Whispering soft sighs, longing for self preservation
I turn to them and say,
“I WILL defend you.”

Friday, March 03, 2006

>Play: More on this later

Dear President Kibaki,

On March 2, 2006 armed police raided the headquarters and printing plant of the East African Standard Group. In addition to destroying equipment including the printing presses and burning newspapers, they shut down the Kenyan Television Network television station.

This latest attack follows the jailing of three journalists from the East African Standard newspaper, attacks on the Citizen Weekly, and ongoing harassment of journalists by government-sponsored forces.

I urge you to:

* Condemn these attacks in the strongest terms possible.
* Dismiss any member of your government who played a role in the attacks.
* Live up to your promise to support freedom of the press.


Please copy and paste a copy of this letter on your blog. You may alter the wording to suit your needs.Campaign started by Keguro.

EDIT: Got to Mental's site NOW for Brilliant pics of the raid!

Image from mental's blog