Tuesday, May 02, 2006

cool new service for bloggers

This is something that should be very intersting to all those bloggers with access, just read about this sit called blurb that actually lets you creat a real offline book form blogs and other online content! yanni you get it printed in hard cover with custom cover jacket with prices starting at jst $30 dollars. I think it could make for some very interesting and inovative memrabilia (think a quarterly or annual hard cover edition of the best of the KBW, now thats somwthing i would buy! plus it would raise money for KWB to be able to do even greater things). think on it people... and check it out here.

Ps got through my second last test leo, or should I jana since its technically wednesday now, hopefully the last one before finals is leo. prey people.
Random thought: of late im finding kenyan news more depressing than usual, amusement if fast turning into disgust, the antics of those so called leaders.... let me stop...

1 comment:

Sandman said...

Enyewe that's a plot - best of KBW, I would buy that too.