I started to learn how to play guitar yesterday. Always wanted to learn. My dad plays but most of the time he can't find time to teach me. When he fikas home from the office he is mad tired n just wants to kula and lala. So i decided to as my boy C. to teach kidogo but we keep missing each other coz im at work or he is cought up in some business. So anyway i was at My cousin Onicko's place yesteday and i found my boy O. there getting ready to teach him some guitar and im like "what luck!" so i dash all the way home and get my dads guitar and we spend the rest of the afternoon learning 4 chords! Doesn't seem like much i know but considering that i know nothin at all before im pretty proud of my self. Now i can (sort of) play 'trading my sorrows' and the beguinings of 'save tonight' by eagle eye cherry and the other song by sixpencentr, i forget the name. Yuppie! Mom is causing beef coz of the neck thing that i got for my birth day so i guess i have to lenga it just like i lengad bbg's silver chain with the key. I guess its aight tho. I shall strive to live at peace with those around me. Work is wak! (so what else is new....) but hay i guess there are worse places to work than oyeyo adek.
My fingers are killing me by the way. Just Typing this text is proving to be an excrutiating experience (note to self..... next time you want to start learning guitar, take leave! at least until you grow guitar-string resistant findertip skin.) Its getting better though. No pain no gain... such is the cruel way of the world.
Last week was kind coo come to think of it. Had a meeting with the watered guy for the first time in like forever! It was cool tho. It was more open and I felt much better after it. We vibed on almost every topic that came across my head n that sayin something man coz alot of stuff crosses my mind. Lots of jamaz left last week. Dude mpaka i got tired of excorting jamaz to the airport. Resolved to write about called 'Behind the glass wall' chronicaling the exploits of a 'lone' escorter of persons leaving the country :o) Doubt ill start it even, was a cool idea though, that cover image could be me saying goodbye through those ominous glass windows at the airport n u only see my face through the reflection on the glass but its on the other guys face so its kinda like i wanna be ont the other side of that wall but quite clearly im not. P LEFT! sob, sob.... it never hit me that he was leaving until he was on the other side or that glass wall. Anyway life goes on. Nyago. is leaving on wednesday. She missed her flight on sato after doing all the crying stuff n all, he he. Anyway, guess it just gives us more time with her before she too leaves.
All this talk about people leaving is getting kinda depressing so ama let it go. My devotion is goin good but could be going better, i need 'mo faya' to blaze it up. I hope God send me some some time soon. Reading 1 coritnhians 8 or 9 now, can't remember which one exactly but im pretty sure its one of the two. Paul is so cool! He kinda reminds me of me. Randsomed from the fall. And striving to know God more deeply only by teh time he is writing the bible he si like trillions of leagues deeper than i am. I can still like feel that vibe of the new christian and knows the drama that we all face on a daily basis. I mean here is a dude who used to like kill christians for a living man, he was internationally known on the microphone as one of the best int he business! Then Jesus calls him and BAM! Hes changed and forgiven! He says he is forgeting what is in the past and striving for what is ahead of him. I mean if he can be forgiven and forget about his past vefore christ then who am i to think any different man? Im Forgiven!!!!!!! Dude, Its too sawa!
This song 'cold' by Crossfade is too motto, even through my super tweeter speeker. Anyway I guess its about time i gave by abused fingers a rest and gave a litle office work a try :o)