I think im the world’s biggest chameleon, at least at times.
Sort of a reverse chameleon, kinda, well anyway, the reason is, unlike a chameleon
which changes its colour to match that of its surroundings so that it can feel
more comfortable and secure in that environment, I tend to colour change and
shape shift so as to make my environment and those around it more comfortable
with me.
I think I could make almost anyone comfortable with me (well except maybe a
white supremacist, that ones a tough one...). Sometimes the skill comes in
handy when it comes to negotiating in situations where diplomacy is of the
essence, being able to shift around greatly increases my ability to employ tact
in these situations. For one thing, in able to use the ability properly, I need
to know what to change into before I change, this intrinsically necessitates careful
analysis of the environment, a skill I have been honing for quite some time
now. I analyze and I analyze fast... lots of subtle cues tell me a whole lot
about my surroundings and those in. It’s often not quite necessary for me to
see things happening, I make inferences and have on many occasions been proved
right. I take pleasure in making the inference then not telling anyone and
watching as the true slowly appears to the less observant.
Its not entirely a good thing though, with the power of diplomacy comes a
serious side effect that I will call jellyfishisis, a grave condition characterized
by lack of backbone and/or concrete resolve. Not to be confused with lack of will,
and ability to deliver. I am wroth to break a promise that I make, when it is
made to someone other than me. You can take a promise that I make to you to the
bank. Promises to myself on the other hand are often not worth the paper they
are written. Hence my total inability to maintain a regular exercise schedule,
time table or properly execute any other task that would involve extended
periods of self regulation.
Anyway it is an ability that I have just the same and I am going to make the
most of it whilst I have it, I hope God shows me why he gave it to me.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
>: shape shifting
Sunday, June 25, 2006
>: WOW! Ravelers weekend at weeks-end

This was a crazy weekend considering i had resolutely decided on Friday that i wasnt going to go out coz my throught was aching from some cold i seem to be catching. Well long story short, i ended up going out every night this weekend and i cant say i regret the decission one but. Ofcourse my head now feels like a 10kg brick on my shoulder on account of the now agrivated cold.
I went to 2 clubs, Movida on friday at which the bounce was wearing girls shoes, ripped jeans and was actually skinnier than me, which is saying something. The techno was bangin tho and after we got done with the noble task of chasing away all the pseudo-sophisticated people who were filling up the upper dance floor but feeling too cool to dance, we were dancing the night away until about 3:30 am.
The second was 'Manhattan' on sato night, now this was FUNNNNN! We were supposed to actually be going to this egyptian lounge called tuts but there was a fire inspection there so no one was being let in. Turned out pretty well. I had such a good time and met a whole bunch of interesting people, danced like my life depended on it and then some. The DJ on the lower dance floor was off the chains!Thank you mister DJ. We were clubbing till about 4:30am
Found a church and went for the 11:15am, i wasnt really what i was expecting but it was a wonderfull service and the church is nice, think ill be going to this one.
Well work again tomorrow. This is midsummer evalation week, pray for a good review for me will ya!!
PS. Still trying to hook up a plot for the the coming long weekend. Any adeas for a brotha in NYC?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
> : Yesterdays life lesson
Thursday, June 15, 2006
>: Hungry in New York
Ive been in the big apple for about 3 weeks now and im still being facinated at every turn. Its an amazing city to say the least and I'd be lying if i said that it hasn't started working its magic (good or bad) on me. I think i began to change the minute I got of the supper shuttle from la guardia, it in the air you breath here, New York seeps into your skin, through your pores, its an inevitably. You cant escape it by running away.
The only way to get away (if you wish to), is to take it all in, let it seep in then, work your way through the haze of you 'big city life high' and convince your self that the bright lichts and colors are just but an illusion, the city is a mistress you can only escape by conquering. I dont know what i think of new york, i think, like any other place it has its good and bad effects.Onething that really got me from the get-go was how much it reminds me of Nairobi.
See to me new york is not so much a city as it is a culture, a way of living, a sort of zeitgeist, a spirit, a mood, a state of being. From thelittle observing that i have doe so far, i feel you can 'be new york' in LA, you can 'be new york' in dallas, or florida, yes even Arlinnton Texas. Its just that the big city 'defaults' one to 'being new york' and so its easier here to be that way where as in Arlington it takes a pretty serious consious effort to 'be new york'.
But anyway, if your wondering why NYC reminds me of NAI, its coz you walk down some streets and its like walking down that road for odeon cinema, guys are on the hustle mbaya mbovu! as in this is the first time since i left kenya that i have seen jamaz selling bootleg dvds layed out on black polithin bags on the side walks, selling used books, wooden girraffs and other trinkets out of carts. little shops with the same set of merchendise populate whole streets, its like de ja vue avenue half the time around here. its pretty amazing, and this is in the financial district by the way, bartly a block away from the famous wall street (speaking of witch i went and saw and touched the wall street bull, the ultimate simble of capitalism, dont know whether to kiss it or burn it...), guys wana hastle 24-7-365 bana and it aint no joke.
oh and its irreverently expensive here, im yet to eat a meal that i can say i really enjoyed here, (i must admit they have some excelent pizza though). im not going to speak about how expensive it is here coz it will spoil my mood, but just know that it is.Jersey city seems so laid back, so chilled, so slow, so... country when your coming straingt out of the city, its strange coz its a whole lot more alive and vibrant than the sity where i live but now i look at it and im like, who slowed down the planet!? weird... im taking it in though, working on concuring it, once i get a back balance of some kind i ill purchase a mini wall street bull to remind me of what i have to conquor to achieve my dreams for my country (Kenya) and my continent (Africa). Mine is a battle fought in my opponents camp, while studying his training equpment, observing his training teqnic and stealling his secret tactics, using them for the benefit of those that are withme in the struggle to elevate richest continent on the planet to its rightfull position.
Aluta continua!